The story of persecution of people of Jewish or mixed Jewish origin during under the Nazis
and cross-generational impacts of the persecution

Conference 6th - 8th March 2009 - "Evangelische Bildungsstätte auf Schwanenwerder" ■ 14129 Berlin - Germany



“Between the chairs”, “and always a little out of place” – these self-ascriptions are employed by people whose identities are fragile, penetrated by ambiguities and their identities are more circumscribed than fixed.

The racist discourse of the Nazis referred to them as “half Jews”, “quarter Jews”, “Jewish mongrels”, (“Geltungsjuden”), that is people who were counted as Jews, or “full Jews”, if they were married to a non-Jewish spouse.

The conference is aimed at the persecution and its aftermaths of these people who were persecuted due to their parents’ or grandparents’ Jewish family background.

It is the aim of the conference to recognise and empathise with the experiences of these people, and bring to mind a part of the Shoa, which so far has been neglected.






Unterstützer und Förderer


Kontakt:  Brigitte Gensch







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